Wednesday, November 26, 2014

PROCESS and DISCARD folders are not accessile by Oracle Workflow mailer

Even after creating the PROCESS and DISCARD folders under the dedicated email account, we were getting the error as "The FOLDER DOES NOT EXIST for THE NOMINATED MAIL ACCOUNT"


i) Login into MAIL SERVER IMAP using the telnet

telnet 143

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

ii) Login into IMAP server using the dedicated account created for the Oracle Workflow Mailer using the login command. (1 i.e. a number before the command is mandatory for all IMAP commands )

1 login <IMAP Account> <IMAP Account password>
1 OK LOGIN completed

iii) List all the folders under this account:

1 list "" "*"

The output will show the children and parent directories available for this account and all the folder information displayed in this command output is case sensitive.

In my case the PROCESS and DISCARD folders created at user level are created under the PARENT INBOX i.e. INBOX.PROCESS and INBOX.DISCARD.

Use the same listed folder names for configuring the workflow mailer to resolve the above error.

1 comment:

Interview Questions said...

Thanks Sir. Nice article.